Our Chiropractor uses a variety of techniques such as spinal manipulation and the more “traditional” manual adjustments tailored to your individual circumstances 

Chiropractic focuses on the relationship between the spine and the nervous system, without the use of surgery or drugs. Chiropractors work towards restoring and maintaining normal spinal function, and encourage patients to make the necessary lifestyle choices to achieve this.

As we go through our lives with knocks and bumps, stress can build up and put pressure on the nervous system. Only a slight pressure is needed to change the function of your nerves and cause pain. A chiropractor’s main focus is to remove interference to your nervous system to restore the body’s optimal healing potential.

Chiropractic and Chronic Back Problems

For chronic back problems, chiropractors use a variety of non-surgical treatments, such as spinal manipulation or manual therapies. Chiropractors will assess your health and offer advice on how to manage the symptoms.

Chiropractors advise patients on self-management of chronic pain through exercise, diet and lifestyle modification, working with other healthcare providers where needed.

Patient Centred Approach – One Size Does Not Fit All

Chiropractors assess each patient individually and tailor treatment accordingly. Although chronic back problems are common, the causes are not always the same. Some people are at the early stages of developing chronic back problems, while others are long-term sufferers and the treatment approach reflects each person’s unique circumstances.

Help is at Hand

Chiropractors are qualified to address musculoskeletal disorders and can help relieve the symptoms of chronic back pain. Even at early stages of acute back pain, chiropractors can advise on appropriate measures.

What may chiropractic adjustment help you with?

Chiropractic care is a safe and drug-free alternative for health and wellbeing. From head to toe, here are just some of the reasons why people see us:

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  • Pinched nerve
  • Muscle pain
  • Recovery from back injury
  • Chronic or mild back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Bulging disc
  • Herniated Disc
  • Degenerative Discs
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